Wednesday, July 10, 2013

From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Zion and Jerusalem, July 10, 2013

From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

(New Testament | Matthew 4:17)

For the day cometh that the Lord shall utter his voice out of heaven; the heavens shall shake and the earth shall tremble, and the trump of God shall sound both long and loud, and shall say to the sleeping nations:

Ye saints arise and live; ye sinners stay and sleep until I shall call again.

(Doctrine and Covenants | Section 43:18)

Many in these latter days do complain or murmur against me and say all manner of evil to justify their wicked and sinful conduct insinuating that I am judging and condemning people because of my distinct and unleavened manner of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.  They even say that I am denying them the mercies of GOD thru his blood when in effect I am a living angel of mercy to a great number of the Lord’s children. There can be no mercy without first satisfying the demands of justice and the conditions thereof are REPENTANCE.  

Therefore, as they had become carnal, sensual, and devilish, by nature, this probationary state became a state for them to prepare; it became a preparatory state. And now remember, my son, if it were not for the plan of redemption, (laying it aside) as soon as they were dead their souls were miserable, being cut off from the presence of the Lord.  And now, there was no means to reclaim men from this fallen state, which man had brought upon himself because of his own disobedience; Therefore, according to justice, the plan of redemption could not be brought about, only on conditions of repentance of men in this probationary state, yea, this preparatory state; for except it were for these conditions, mercy could not take effect except it should destroy the work of justice.  Now the work of justice could not be destroyed; if so, God would cease to be God.

(Book of Mormon | Alma 42:10 - 13)

What they do not know is that I am in their service extending to them an invitation to come unto Christ and be like unto him so that they can dwell in his presence with all the penitent and obedient of whom we hear much being preached about in the scriptures or else.  Many falsely believe that GOD came and suffered on the cross so that we can be saved in our sins and not from our sins. And as I live, he cannot save us in our sins; his atoning sacrifice does not activate itself in our behalf without repentance.  In other words, in order for his divine blood to save us as we suppose or expect we must meet the conditions of the  faith, truth, justice and mercy, thru repentance. And these are the weighty matter of the law.  In sum, when people want to be saved without repentance they are tempting GOD and want him to cease being a god, for the moment he accepts or tolerates sin, that moment he would cease to be a just, truthful and a merciful GOD.  But God cannot cease to be god and he will not yield a bit of his righteousness to sin because he cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance.

Now, how could a man repent except he should sin?  How could he sin if there was no law?  How could there be a law save there was a punishment? Now, there was a punishment affixed, and a just law given, which brought remorse of conscience unto man. Now, if there was no law given—if a man murdered he should die—would he be afraid he would die if he should murder? And also, if there was no law given against sin men would not be afraid to sin. And if there was no law given, if men sinned what could justice do, or mercy either, for they would have no claim upon the creature?

But there is a law given, and a punishment affixed, and a repentance granted; which repentance, mercy claimeth; otherwise, justice claimeth the creature and executeth the law, and the law inflicteth the punishment; if not so, the works of justice would be destroyed, and God would cease to be God. But God ceaseth not to be God, and mercy claimeth the penitent, and mercy cometh because of the atonement; and the atonement bringeth to pass the resurrection of the dead; and the resurrection of the dead bringeth back men into the presence of God; and thus they are restored into his presence, to be judged according to their works, according to the law and justice.

(Book of Mormon | Alma 42:17 - 23)

And he said: Thus saith the Lord God—Cursed shall be the land, yea, this land, unto every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, unto destruction, which do wickedly, when they are fully ripe; and as I have said so shall it be; for this is the cursing and the blessing of God upon the land, for the Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance.

(Book of Mormon | Alma 45:16)

For I the Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance; evertheless, he that repents and does the commandments of the Lord shall be forgiven; nd he that repents not, from him shall be taken even the light which he has received; for my Spirit shall not always strive with man, saith the Lord of Hosts.

(Doctrine and Covenants | Section 1:31 - 33)

There was a woman in the social network that received me and whom I had kissed with light, that is to say with a holy kiss,  we communed in dreams or in the spirit; and in whom I had put the words of GOD in her lips to aid me in the service of bringing salvation unto her kindred and friends as I have done with other sould that have received me.   And I deposited in her many talents or gifts of the spirit to show off her wisdom as the queen of the south so that GOD could be glorified in her as he was Glorified in the queen of the south in the days of Solomon and in the days of Candace.    But for the love of money more than the love of GOD, the devil came into her and she begun to preach the philosophies of men and to reject the words of GOD which I was teaching her.  And seeing her loving Satan more than GOD, I had no choice but to rebuke her and took all the light from her hand and left her only with one talent.  Apparently she was not satisfied with her payment and she dumped me from the wall of her social site. And as her there have been many others, both male and female that I have kissed who are inside and outside of the gates of the kingdom of GOD. And their fate is, unless they speedily repent and amend their ways,  to lay down in sorrow at the very hand of the LORD.

For the terrible one is brought to nought, and the scorner is consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off: That make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of nought.

Therefore thus saith the LORD, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house of Jacob, Jacob shall not now be ashamed, neither shall his face now wax pale.

But when he seeth his children, the work of mine hands, in the midst of him, they shall sanctify my name, and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall fear the God of Israel.

They also that erred in spirit shall come to understanding, and they that murmured shall learn doctrine.

(Old Testament | Isaiah 29:20 - 24)

I cannot make exception or be partial; the way I talk to strangers is also the way I talk at home to my family, friends and companions.  And above all, I do not ask anyone to do what I am not doing myself.  Those who have known me or who have come to know me as acquaintances and have left me are witnesses of these facts. In fact, we are charged under the sight of heaven and earth to talk this way.  

Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear. I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels, that thou observe these things without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality.

(New Testament | 1 Timothy 5:20 - 21)

As Christ say, I am not here to condemn anyone, but the sins of the people and that which is written in the law and the prophets do condemn them.  YEAH, And the truth makes them uncomfortable.  So, if they are so uncomfortable now, how much more uncomfortable they would be in the presence of God in the great Judgment Day?  So was it during the ministry of our LORD when first he fed the five thousand, and then the fourth thousand, and then pretty much everybody deserted him when he called them to repentance. And from that time forth many of his disciples walked with him no more.  Today, I lost two of them because of the same predicament.   And that caused the LORD to say to his closest disciples:

Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away?

(New Testament | John 6:67)

Whether you love me or hate me, it is my duty to GOD and to them that fall in the circumference of my life an d associate with me to make them comfortable and to have a pleasant judgment day, but only if they would repent as I have repented.  I am genuinely interested in their eternal welfare of all souls because as a sinner, I was in the gulf of endless woe and misery myself.  And it does torture my soul with such a pain to conceive that a soul would be entrusted to hell because no one offered them the gift of repentance that effectually activates in their lives the everlasting benefits of the atoning sacrifice of our LORD Jesus Christ.  And, I therefore, to avoid this suffering, I preach unto them repentance day and night as if there was no tomorrow even as those of old did. And I reaffirm to all the truthfulness of my words by quoting the Holy Scriptures.  Because I do not speak, write or walk in the sparks of my own fire but with the light of Christ. In other words, I speak with the authority of our father in heaven or with law and the testimony at hand, or esse as the scripture of truth says;; there is no truth and light in me.

To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

(Old Testament | Isaiah 8:20)

As a result, my conversations with people are very intense, heart pricking and with exceeding harshness because I’d rather impact them today with the truth and reap tomorrow by impressing in them thur the influence of the Holy Ghost the word of GOD than to let them be taken by the devil to awful darkness.

Because the very moment these unrepentant people die or when they are in despair and confused in that awful lake of fire and brimstone racked with pain by the vivid remembrance of their sins, they will have no pleasant memory of their loved ones, that is their parents, their siblings and much less of their false friends.  At that moment of awful fear and despair and torment, all they will remember is that some strange guy pricked their hearts and talked to them very persitently with very loud an dlong errands about the redeeming love of one Jesus Christ that came to atone for the sins of all men.  And that his redemption could take place only thru the conditions of repentance.  And when they realize that, they will cling to that very thought and begin to plead ernestly with GOD in a broken heart and a contrite spirit to forgive them of their sins and to free them from the bonds of death and hell.   And at that perilous moment, the redemption of Christ will immediately take effect upon their unworthy souls; and the LORD will bring them out again into the light and joy of their redemption to rembeber their sins no more.  I say these things both by knowledge and personal experience. I came here to teach the law which causes death so that the knowledge of offences might abound, for where sin abounds, so will the grace and mercy come upon those to whom the law has been revealed. And only so does the grace reigns thru rightesousness unto eternal life by the merits and sacrifice of our LORD Jesus Christ.  Again, the spirit makes these things manifest to me and the scriptures do comfirm it. FOR odf this it is also written: 

For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)

Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound.  But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.

(New Testament | Romans 5:17 - 21)

And now, for three days and for three nights was I racked, even with the pains of a damned soul. And it came to pass that as I was thus racked with torment, while I was harrowed up by the memory of my many sins, behold, I remembered also to have heard my father prophesy unto the people concerning the coming of one Jesus Christ, a Son of God, to atone for the sins of the world. Now, as my mind caught hold upon this thought, I cried within my heart: O Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy on me, who am in the gall of bitterness, and am encircled about by the everlasting chains of death.

And now, behold, when I thought this, I could remember my pains no more; yea, I was harrowed up by the memory of my sins no more. And oh, what joy, and what marvelous light I did behold; yea, my soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain!

(Book of Mormon | Alma 36:16 - 20)

This is why I do not take any of their conversation light mindedly regardless of the content of their words.  As a matter of fact I engage them to reason with me so that we can arrive at the truth; and I contend with them with the word of GOD which is the sword of the Holy Ghost. But they forsake to remember that our struggle is not against flesh or blood but against all manner spiritual entities or the powers of darkness entrenched in high places.

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.

(Old Testament | Isaiah 1:18 - 20)

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

(New Testament | Ephesians 6:12)

Therefore, as Christ said: I do not condemn you before the father, I am not your accuser, but the books that are written, that is the law and the prophets will judge you and condemn you unless you repent,  for by the books that you call Holy and trust, we can tell the spiritual condition of people and the demons that surround them and all the filthiness that is in their hearts, for God gives us power to know these things, even the thought and the intentions of the heart.  

Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust.

(New Testament | John 5:45)

Before the end of this Journey you will know that to cry repentance is the greatest gesture of love that one stranger, brother or friend can offer in these latter days and that I have loved you.  And I spend my days in this particular duty and the LORD JESUS CHRIST gives me plenty of fire for the task. Hosannas and thanks be to him, and also all the honor, glory and power.  My friends, I will only agree with you in your conversation when they conform with the written word of GOD which is the authority of our father in heaven.  You are of such worth to me that I will not  even give you the truth sugar coated.  I only follow the steps of Jesus Christ and the prophets even to the last consequences.   Therefore, I am here to call you all to repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand or you will lie down in sorrow at the hand of the LORD.   And in the last day, that is in the Day of Judgment you will know that I gave been commissioned of Jesus Christ to write and to say whatsoever thing he puts in my heart.  And if for these things you hate me, it is only because the truth hurts the wicked soul.  And this is why I speak with the law and the testimony at hand.  For behold of this it is written:

And it came to pass that I said unto them that I knew that I had spoken hard things against the wicked, according to the truth; and the righteous have I justified, and testified that they should be lifted up at the last day; wherefore, the guilty taketh the truth to be hard, for it cutteth them to the very center.

And now my brethren, if ye were righteous and were willing to hearken to the truth, and give heed unto it, that ye might walk uprightly before God, then ye would not murmur because of the truth, and say: Thou speakest hard things against us.

(Book of Mormon | 1 Nephi 16:2 - 3)

For behold, out of the books which have been written, and which shall be written, shall this people be judged, for by them shall their works be known unto men. And behold, all things are written by the Father; therefore out of the books which shall be written shall the world be judged. And know ye that ye shall be judges of this people, according to the judgment which I shall give unto you, which shall be just.  Therefore, what manner of men ought ye to be?  Verily I say unto you, even as I am.

(Book of Mormon | 3 Nephi 27:25 - 27)

And now I speak unto all the ends of the earth—that if the day cometh that the power and gifts of God shall be done away among you, it shall be because of unbelief. And wo be unto the children of men if this be the case; for there shall be none that doeth good among you, no not one.  For if there be one among you that doeth good, he shall work by the power and gifts of God.

And wo unto them who shall do these things away and die, for they die in their sins, and they cannot be saved in the kingdom of God; and I speak it according to the words of Christ; and I lie not.

And I exhort you to remember these things; for the time speedily cometh that ye shall know that I lie not, for ye shall see me at the bar of God; and the Lord God will say unto you: Did I not declare my words unto you, which were written by this man, like as one crying from the dead, yea, even as one speaking out of the dust? I declare these things unto the fulfilling of the prophecies.  And behold, they shall proceed forth out of the mouth of the everlasting God; and his word shall hiss forth from generation to generation.

And God shall show unto you, that that which I have written is true.

And again I would exhort you that ye would come unto Christ, and lay hold upon every good gift, and touch not the evil gift, nor the unclean thing. And awake, and arise from the dust, O Jerusalem; yea, and put on thy beautiful garments, O daughter of Zion; and strengthen thy stakes and enlarge thy borders forever, that thou mayest no more be confounded, that the covenants of the Eternal Father which he hath made unto thee, O house of Israel, may be fulfilled. Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God. And again, if ye by the grace of God are perfect in Christ, and deny not his power, then are ye sanctified in Christ by the grace of God, through the shedding of the blood of Christ, which is in the covenant of the Father unto the remission of your sins, that ye become holy, without spot.  And now I bid unto all, farewell.  I soon go to rest in the paradise of God, until my spirit and body shall again reunite, and I am brought forth triumphant through the air, to meet you before the pleasing bar of the great Jehovah, the Eternal Judge of both quick and dead.  Amen.

(Book of Mormon | Moroni 10:24 - 34)

THUS saith the LORD, Where is the bill of your mother's divorcement, whom I have put away?  or which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you?  Behold, for your iniquities have ye sold yourselves, and for your transgressions is your mother put away.

Wherefore, when I came, was there no man?  when I called, was there none to answer?  Is my hand shortened at all, that it cannot redeem?  or have I no power to deliver?  behold, at my rebuke I dry up the sea, I make the rivers a wilderness: their fish stinketh, because there is no water, and dieth for thirst. I clothe the heavens with blackness, and I make sackcloth their covering.

The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned. The Lord GOD hath opened mine ear, and I was not rebellious, neither turned away back. I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting. For the Lord GOD will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed. He is near that justifieth me; who will contend with me?  let us stand together: who is mine adversary?  let him come near to me.

Behold, the Lord GOD will help me; who is he that shall condemn me?  lo, they all shall wax old as a garment; the moth shall eat them up.

Who is among you that feareth the LORD, that obeyeth the voice of his servant, that walketh in darkness, and hath no light?  let him trust in the name of the LORD, and stay upon his God. Behold, all ye that kindle a fire, that compass yourselves about with sparks: walk in the light of your fire, and in the sparks that ye have kindled. This shall ye have of mine hand:ye shall lie down in sorrow.

(Old Testament | Isaiah 50:1 - 11)

The Divine Gift of Repentance - D. Todd Christofferson - October

It is in the territory of my profession to be hated it is my heritage to suffer with those that have gone before me.  He that hates me hates my father also. For of this it is also written the LORD said:

He that hateth me hateth my Father also.

(New Testament | John 15:23)

And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

(New Testament | Mark 13:13)

If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord.  If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also. But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me.

If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin.

He that hateth me hateth my Father also.

If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father. But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause.

But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:
And ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning.

(New Testament | John 15:18 - 27)

For if I, who am a man, do lift up my voice and call upon you to repent, and ye hate me, what will ye say when the day cometh when the thunders shall utter their voices from the ends of the earth, speaking to the ears of all that live, saying—Repent, and prepare for the great day of the Lord? Yea, and again, when the lightnings shall streak forth from the east unto the west, and shall utter forth their voices unto all that live, and make the ears of all tingle that hear, saying these words—Repent ye, for the great day of the Lord is come? And again, the Lord shall utter his voice out of heaven, saying: Hearken, O ye nations of the earth, and hear the words of that God who made you.

O, ye nations of the earth, how often would I have gathered you together as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, but ye would not! How oft have I called upon you by the mouth of my servants, and by the ministering of angels, and by mine own voice, and by the voice of thunderings, and by the voice of lightnings, and by the voice of tempests, and by the voice of earthquakes, and great hailstorms, and by the voice of famines and pestilences of every kind, and by the great sound of a trump, and by the voice of judgment, and by the voice of mercy all the day long, and by the voice of glory and honor and the riches of eternal life, and would have saved you with an everlasting salvation, but ye would not! Behold, the day has come, when the cup of the wrath of mine indignation is full.

Behold, verily I say unto you, that these are the words of the Lord your God.

(Doctrine and Covenants | Section 43:21 - 27)

I bear solemn witness of the truthfulness of these things; and in so doing I confirm the faith of the churches and also the law and the prophets.  And I do it by the virtue of the love I have for all men whether Jew or gentile.  I have faith, hope and charity for my people according to the covenants and promises, but for the gentiles I cannot have any hope unless they repent and come unto Christ and reconcile themselves with him according to his gospel and enter in to the narrow corridor and gate and persevere to the end.  And with these words, I shake the dust of your sins from my garments in the very presence and eye of GOD, I bid farewell to all until we meet again.

I also have charity for the Gentiles.  But behold, for none of these can I hope except they shall be reconciled unto Christ, and enter into the narrow gate, and walk in the strait path which leads to life, and continue in the path until the end of the day of probation.

And now, my beloved brethren, and also Jew, and all ye ends of the earth, hearken unto these words and believe in Christ; and if ye believe not in these words believe in Christ.  And if ye shall believe in Christ ye will believe in these words, for they are the words of Christ, and he hath given them unto me; and they teach all men that they should do good. And if they are not the words of Christ, judge ye—for Christ will show unto you, with power and great glory, that they are his words, at the last day; and you and I shall stand face to face before his bar; and ye shall know that I have been commanded of him to write these things, notwithstanding my weakness.

And I pray the Father in the name of Christ that many of us, if not all, may be saved in his kingdom at that great and last day.

And now, my beloved brethren, all those who are of the house of Israel, and all ye ends of the earth, I speak unto you as the voice of one crying from the dust: Farewell until that great day shall come. And you that will not partake of the goodness of God, and respect the words of the Jews, and also my words, and the words which shall proceed forth out of the mouth of the Lamb of God, behold, I bid you an everlasting farewell, for these words shall condemn you at the last day. For what I seal on earth, shall be brought against you at the judgment bar; for thus hath the Lord commanded me, and I must obey.  Amen.

(Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 33:9 - 15)

These things I say humbly and meekly with tact and diligence, and above all, with a single eye for the honor and glory of GOD, and I do it by his gifts and power as one having authority in the sacred name of our LORD and Redeemer, even the LORD Jesus Christ, amen.

Yours Truly from an unworthy servant in the hands of Christ.

Miguel Angel Tinoco Rodriguez

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