Thursday, March 30, 2023

Neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree

 Zion and Jerusalem, March 30th 2023

Dear Sister Sophia

       I take this solemn opportunity to write to you because I have been severely impacted by our revelations and all the ordeals that you have suffered and continue to endure.  I hope this letter finds you well and that my words increase a portion of the love of God in you and strengthen you so that you find additional joy in your journey back into the rest of The LORD, our Eternal God.

I have learned so much from you and the truth that you now embrace that I thank God for his divine intervention and I also thank you for your testimony has strengthen my testimony.  I am a firm believer that God has touched your heart that I have inadvertently surnamed you Deborah, like and in remembrance of the moral courage and moral intellect of the great prophetess of antiquity.

I am here to invite you to come a little closer to the LORD so you can not only have a relationship with him but an intimate knowledge of him customized to your own very particular spiritual needs by ministering unto you and helping your edify and re-edify yourself in the faith that you have embraced you by giving you additional truth and knowledge. It will further help you I your righteous cause helping redeem those who, like you, are pure in heart and are seeking for the truth but are not able to find it due to the craftiness of men who lie in wait to deceive.  The attack on women and our children is brutal and heart breaking and the laborers are few to help them to avoid falling victims of a cruel and perverse generation.

My name is Miguel and I know you more than what you know yourself, even your true identity and the divine potential of your soul and for this reason the LORD has sent me to you. I am not a charlatan or a podcaster nor do I seek to profit or gain power in any degree of unrighteous upon any soul.  In other words, I am not here to deceive you or to take from you but to bless you or to be a blessing in your life. The LORD has sent me as a safe channel and as a sure anchor in defense of truth and virtue. And as per his words for he said to me: “You have been sent down to earth with very important missions to fulfill and which the LORDs is expecting you to fulfill.”… “There are many of the LORD’s children in the world today who are running to and fro, and it is your mission to light the way for this people.”… He also said to me and it is all written but not by me: “There are many of the LORD’s children in the world today who are physically or mentally handicapped who find a hard time getting joy out of life, and it is you mission to help them have the spirit of the LORD throughout their life and throughout eternity…“ And I believe you and many like you may fall into any of these two categories.  One day, I hope in the LORD, I get to meet you and show you my patriarchal blessings so that you know that I did not say these words to myself but came to me through a prophet of GOD for I cannot call myself or set myself as a light. I am here only to show to my brothers and sisters the light and the proper path to follow.

Having said that, I believe that you are a very important instrument in the hands of our GOD, so he can bless many people through your as he has blessed you. And for this reason, I am here to give you further truth and knowledge and also to warn you of some dangers you may face in your activism.  As you said, it was the truth that set you free, even the truth that you learned in Genesis about our true gender identity. But there is much more; and the dangers the youth and children face today is more sinister than most people are ready to admit. The attacks on your true identity came far below than the LGBTQIA artificial campaign of indoctrination. The trans agenda is a disturbing plot of forces beyond the knowledge of most people.  I have suffered what you have suffered in a much different scenario.  Since I can remember, even from primary school, I was told that I was something which I wasn’t.  I was given to believe that I came from an inferior race and that I was doomed or fixated to live with racial and intellectual limitations.  I was taught that I would never amount to anything in this life for others were ahead of me. From the very beginning of my infancy, the adversary of all righteousness tried to strip me away from my true identity no different than you, only on a different context. I was told that my ancestors were a primitive race that came to America from the strait of bearing and that only now after many millennia we were getting to be civilized when in effect the opposite was the truth.  That the Anglo Saxon race what more advance and intelligent than I would ever be.  They demoralized and interrupted my ability to be all I could be.  It was at seventeen that I learned who I was, where I came from and why I am here.

Not one iota different than you, I reached a grievance limit.  I also had to pray as if there was no tomorrow, repent of all my sins with a broken heart and a contrite spirit or in the depth of humility and I struggled with GOD for hours negotiating with him the fate of my own soul until he listened to me. I was visited by an angel of God after that depressing ordeal, for I had faith and asked unwavering as in  James 1:1 And I was blessed on that day, and all my gilt and sorrow were lifted and I felt a joy I had never experienced before. I wrote the experience in my journal and I hope one day to share it with you in full. After that, I learned gradually my true Identity. My ancestors were brought to America by the hand of the LORD some six hundred years before the Birth of Christ. They were Israelites that lived in the ancient city of Jerusalem.  So, as an Israelite, I learned of the covenants of God to the ancient fathers and that I had a great inheritance to reclaim.   In other words, that in the OLD and New Testament of the Bible and in the record that my father’s wrote, God had made promises to us all’ and this is what I come to reveal to you that you are one of us and that God had great blessings in store for all those who seek him and wait upon him.

Sister, do you remember that awful day when you were at the end of your pitiful rope and you implored God to reveal himself unto you? What you did on that day or night, almost no one under truly knows how it works and why.  On that day, when you cried unto God, you inadvertently activated the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ and opened the heavens to receive the assistance and support that you needed and you knew it not. Let me explain. A Testament as in the OLD and NEW Testament of the Bible is no different than a living will. And when the testator is dead, the will is in full force for those to whom it is intended.  Very anciently, even before the children of your ancient and my ancient fathers entered into the Promised Land after God had delivered through Moses with as strong hand.  God told Moses to gather the People and He Swore and Made them swear. It is recorded in the Book of Deuteronomy Chapters 27-33 GOD place all the blessings and all the curses in front of all the people who were present and also in front of us all the children of GOD or spirits who had not been born yet ;for he truly said, give heed oh earth and listen oh heaven.  He was speaking to all present and those who were not yet present. 

And Moses also told the people that after they had been blessed and cursed according to their obedience and disobedience or the choices they made, that when we remembered those things and confessed them openly, that on that day, the LORD will return unto us our blessings, and put the curses on those who made us sin and oppressed us.   You have done and are doing precisely that when you make manifest to the whole world all the good, the bad and the ugly that you suffered and went true. But that is not all.  Further more in other scriptures from the Old Testament and the New Testament, there are other promises and blessing which you inadvertently activated and received. God promised by Moses, and also by Ezekiel 36 and Jeremiah 31 and it is also recorded in the New Testament, concerning a new covenant that God would make in the latter-days with his people. HE said that he would make a new covenant with us that cannot be broken. He said that he would take away from us our stony heart or wicked spirit from us; and that he would place a new heart of flesh or a more sensible spirit in us where he could write with his own finger his commandments, his laws, his statues and his judgments, so we walk in perfect obedience and we become his people and he becomes our GOD. 

And it was because you repented of your former self in dust and ashes or with great humility offering unto God an acceptable sacrifice, that of a broken heart and a contrite spirit, you opened the heavens and summoned its power which causes such change in your spiritual nature. IN other words, you received a mighty change of heart. And you became or transcended from a carnal, sensual and devilish person into a new creature or creation.   I am a true priest and I know the science behind of these things, and one day you will know them too, but I am just relating to you in simple terms why you and I are so in love with GOD now. Before we were weak and irreconcilable; we went about rebelling and hating God; and now in Christ we can do all things, for his cross is lighter than the yoke of the world and the captivity of sin.

I am here to restore to you your true identity which is greater than just being a Man or a Woman.  You are an Israelite from one of the thirteen tribes of Israel. You are either from the House of Joseph through Ephraim and Manasseh or a Jew.  Now that is very important for you to know, for you will learn to know these things, but not as important as to know that you are a child of GOD and that there is a divine nature in you. To be a man or a woman is the lowest denominator; it is no different than saying male or female and no one can take that from us except we believe a lie.  And this is what Satan tried to do with you and many who are now in the same predicament that you were. Your gender identify was stolen early on by means that I won’t discuss here, and you were made to believe that you were less than an animal or IT. Something instead of somebody even when deep inside of you always believed that there was a GOD.

 Let me show you this mystery. All things in haven, on earth and under it make manifest that existence of a creator for even in science, nothing comes from nothing. The word creation in its true sense does not mean that God created the heavens and the earth from nothing, for the word creation means to organize or to give form. 

The Elements are eternal, just like energy and it cannot be created or destroyed only shaped and transformed. Thus it is nearly impossible for the Devil or Satan to make us believe that there is not a God for there is too much evidence of the contrary. But the moment the Devil steals your identity and makes you or me believe that we come from the monkey or an inferior creature, at that moment in our mind God ceases to exist and instead of believing the truth, be begin to believe a lie.  

And thus is how the Devil is attacking Women and Children. He is making them believe a lie, that they are a gender different than what you truly are because of certain inclinations or vile indoctrinations. At the moment that you believe that you are what you are not, the truth has been replaced in your carnal heart and in your carnal mind because what the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes.  We put too much trust in our heart and our own strength and wisdom that sometimes we are deceived or deceive ourselves. 

What people do not easily understand even when it is presented to them is that where there is doubt, faith is not. Faith and doubt cannot inhabit the same space or sphere.  You either believe or you doubt, the same way that darkness is the absence of light. And that is how Satan lead us into captivity as with a flaxen cord, with many flatteries by clouding our minds with temptation and murky rhetorical darkness.  Hence, Faith is the antidote of Doubt. And love, that is the pure love of God is the antidote of fear, for where there is love, there is no fear; or when the LOVE of God is made perfect in us, there is no fear.  And charity is the pure love of GOD and it never fails.  This is why your former friends from the LGBTQIA Cult or Community, did not give you the aid and assistance that you needed it. They are incapable of loving you. The Love of God is not in them and this is why now they see you and I like poisonous reptiles.  They cry love with their lips but when it comes to show, they deny the power of their convictions. These are a grossly darkened and deceived people going into destruction and leading others into destruction like the blind leading the blind. They want God to save them in their sins and not from their sins like many deceived Christian also believe. And why is this so?

I remember you reading the first epistle of James in which we are asked to seek wisdom by asking God directly without doubting or not wavering for such would not receive an answer because they ask amiss or only to satisfy their lust. Unlike you, they won’t bow down to God and even if they know the truth they will not repent or change their mentality and conduct like you and I have changed.

 Now Sophia, I am in love with you since the day I saw you and heard you bear your testimony.  You touched my heart and too my love. I have loved you ever since because you are one of us, even a child of GOD.  And it is that love that compels me to write to you as if I were writing to my own brothers and sisters. I am also here to reveal to you a truth that most people fail to realize. And even these truths which I am about to reveal to you escape most well intended priests or religious people. And it is that before we know GOD and taste of his tender mercies, his love and redeeming power, we are all pretty much sons of Belial, son of the whore and the witch as recorded in  Isaiah 47 and Isaiah 57.  That means that we are carnal, sensual and devilish creatures thinking evil continually. 

To be Carnal is to be dependent of something such a sex, a vice or any other natural human need.  I cannot live without a cup of coffee every morning is one good example. But it could be drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and even food.  

To be Sensual is to be sensationalist, we want to hear that we are loved by our boyfriend or girlfriend every hour to feel secure and if they do not respond now to our demands we get angry and we begin to imagine the wrong thing because we want it now. And if they do not give us the love we want or need we begin to hate them or to make them pay for not giving us our love, or our daily bread, or our education, or attention, or our TLC. So our passions fluctuate and that is what makes us feel unhappy, depress or even anxious. We just cannot wait and give in to the invirtue of impatience, intolerance, and we hate others more than we think other hate us.  We even believe that God must hate us because he does not accept us as we are.  He does not hate us, but he cannot accept us as we are because that is us tempting and asking him to cease to be God. This is why God loved the sinner, but he cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance.

And because we love our sins more than GOD, we carry them with a rope like a cart is pulled by a rope and by pride fully declaring our sins as Sodom, in parades and other public events, we reward evil unto ourselves. Then because the Devil has such great hold on us, he pull us to do his will until we are mutilated as if by a ravenous beat leaving only a piece of a nose and an ear in us. Most don’t make it Sophia. I am sorry to say. You must be loved of GOD so much to pluck you out as a brand from the fire for you were diving speedily into perdition. You were about to or even thinking of dying and destroying yourself as many in your situation end up doing. But death is not an escape at all. ON the contrary, it is to lose the ability to repent and to change on this plane.  And it is much easier to repent while we have a body of flesh and bones than after we die as a spirit.  There are some in the prisons of darkness who perished in the flood and before or after, that have not yet been fully redeemed of the LORD.  That is some three-four thousand years in jail without seeing the light of day or who cannot see the truth as you and I have seen the truth. The deception continues beyond the veil of death for the unrepentant sinners.

Now, to Be Devilish is to think evil continually, or sine I cannot control my carnality or my dependencies of the flesh and sine I cannot get the security I need from the world or from our friends and loved ones, we begin to plot how to get it by force. This is how Cain fell from Grace. The Devil deceived him first by telling Cain to offer unacceptable sacrifices unto the LORD.

And Cain got very angry and he filled his soul with wrath and hate toward his brother Abel because God accepted Abel and his offering and because he and his offering were rejected.  Then the Devil, a murderer from the beginning, who had hardened his heart against God and against his brother, came again to tempt him. He told Cain that if He killed his brother, all the herds, cattle and possession of his brother would fall into this hand.  So, he plotted to kill him and celebrated his own wickedness no different than the LGBTQIA Cult or Community take glory and pride and celebrate sin or when one make loses his sexual organs or when one woman is mutilated and loses her femininity.  It is a temporal sense of security and false happiness, but in all truth, wickedness never was happiness. These people are destroying lives and marking people for life. Because misery seeks the company of misery and the truly wicked in their midst do not want to go to hell alone or without taking as many of our brothers, sisters and children as they can.  I am glad you escaped their grasp.  

The true source of sin in the LGBTQIA community, believe or not, is giving into the Seven Deadly or the Seven Capital Sins which are LGPGEWS, that is Lust, Greed, Pride, Gluttony, Envy, Wrath and Sloth among other carnal inclinations.  Do you see the truth now of what Identity the Devil is putting in the forehead and heart of this people? 

The Devil is making them inhuman or even less than animals. Greed is making an object out of them. They covet that which is not theirs or the gender contrary to their own nature and like Cain they must have it now or else, they will conspire to obtain it. They are going against their own constitution or even the law of the land. They are against, life, because they won’t or refuse to produce life. And how can they if they are mutilated? They are against liberty because they cannot grow liberty.

Liberty is individual freedoms and when you get married or when we join our flesh with another Liberty is born, for the individual freedom of a man and a woman is united. And Liberty is the power of two or more. And if they produce life, liberty grows naturally and exponentially. Do you see what I see Sophia? The Devil is not only destroying lived but also liberty and by destroying liberty as God intended it, they are destroying happiness or the pursuit thereof. 

In other words they, the LGBTQIA Cartel or Clan are the most unhappy of all people and most of them do not know it, because they’d rather believe a lie; and  cannot pass their parents genes, neither their gender nor their property to posterity. They are damning themselves like the Hoover Dam, or the free flow of the river of life.  This is exactly what happened to the Devil and his angels. He is so miserable what he has nothing good to give. Lucifer the fallen angel of light is a fallen and forever damned spirit, for he cannot have a body of flesh and bones, he can never have a family like you and me, he cannot bear children and he is damned and solitary anguish and bitterness and wrath forever and ever; and he wants us to lose that potential and ability and be miserable like he is too.

The truth is the knowledge of things as they are, as they were and as they are to come.  The truth is unchangeable and it is sustained by the law of witness, the test of time and the law of contradiction and cross examinations. The truth stands in at least for legs, but lies and deception have no standing at all. Many greedy ones from big Pharma, big law, big bank, big government, big media, etc, claim that science is on the side of gender identity but it is not.  For science dictates that all living organisms are born, they grow up or mature, they multiply and they die. Anything against this order comes of evil. 

 It is true that some people are born with certain inclinations or aberrations, we all are, we were all conceived in sin, see Psalm 51  But it is as a result of some other underlying condition during pregnancy or after birth and we either grow up of it or we suffer our cross all of our lives until a better day when all things would be restored and perfected in their proper order. 

 It is written that all men, even the wicked ones will be free from death and physical corruption that we will all resurrect in our perfect form. And some will resurrect perfectly to be eternally happy and some will resurrect to be eternally unhappy for all things will be resurrected even our unrighteousness will rise with us if we died without repentance and without God in our lives.  

The righteous will have such a perfect body to enjoy the weight of eternal happiness, and the ungodly will have such a perfect body also but to endure the weight and pain of their unrighteousness. They cannot be redeemed because they rejected God and will be more miserable living in his presence than away from him for their sins will condemn them.  These suffer a second death which is a spiritual death or eternal separation from God by their own choice and by their own device or as chanted in the Eagles song Hotel California  They allowed themselves to be deceived and duped up by the devil.  They died knowingly that they lived in open rebellion against their God for no one is ever saved or destroyed in ignorance.  We have known or e have all been since the age of accountability which is eight years of age, to distinguish between good and evil but little by little figuratively speaking,  we chose to follow the wolf in us whom we fed the most. And at the end either only the good or the evil wolf in us will prevail.

Now Sophia, what God says unto one, he says unto all for he does not do anything except for the benefit of the whole world.  With this knowledge you are now endowed with an additional measure of truth. Please ask God to confirm the truth of these things to you by the power of the Holy Spirit and you will know if I lie or not.  It is better we enter the kingdom of heaven without an eye or without a hand or a foot than our whole body to be cast into hell.  In other words, it is better if we lose friends by whom we see the world, family or even mother, father or siblings or even children or those who feed us. Or to lose those false teachers, guides or blind leaders by whom we  walk, than all of us to fall into the pit or go into misery.  Despite our suffering, in God we have not lost anything that sooner or later he cannot restore in us as recorded in the book of Deuteronomy 27-32.

Not that Christ has overcome sin, the world, infirmity and death, the way has been paved before us if we follow his guidance and steps.  The world hated him and they will also hate us. No one needs to say anymore I am a dry tree and I am doomed forever as recorded in Isaiah 56 For if we come to reason intimately with the LORD even if our sins were as red as crimson, he will make them as white as wool. And if we keep his Sabbath, his commanders, his statutes and judgments, even the Nazarenes and the Eunuch or those who brand themselves as Gay and Lesbian, will be restored and obtain a place in the house and kingdom of God better than that of sons and daughters.  God knew you and me before we were born.  He spoke to you and me even from the womb of our mother. He loved us like a tender, caring and loving father even when we went about whoring and rebelling against him like sheep with no shepherd not even knowing who is our true Master and Father. For so it is written:

Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil; leanr to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it”… Isaiah 1:16-20


“Thus saith the Lord, Keep ye judgment, and do justice: for my salvation is near to come, and my righteousness to be revealed. Blessed is the man that doeth this, and the son of man that layeth hold on it; that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and keepeth his hand from doing any evil.

Neither let the son of the stranger, that hath joined himself to the Lord, speak, saying, The Lord hath utterly separated me from his people: neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree.

For thus saith the Lord unto the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose the things that please me, and take hold of my covenant; Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off.

Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the Lord, to serve him, and to love the name of the Lord, to be his servants, every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant;

Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people.

The Lord God which gathereth the outcasts of Israel saith, Yet will I gather others to him, beside those that are gathered unto him. Isaiah 56:1-8

So, Sophia, if you have come thus far, what is preventing you to come a little closer. God is willing and his spirit is available to all and if you come a little closer he will not only reveal your true identity but give you a new name and identity which can never be erased except through sin. The Old and the New Testament of the Bible are not the only words of God but our fathers who knew him conversed with him and they wrote another testament of Jesus Christ you and me. And as the Bible is the record of the Jews or the House of Judah, the Book of Mormon is the Record of the House of Joseph and it was written by your ancient fathers. It has greater light and knowledge and you can get closer to God if you also attend its principles and teachings.  It is also the word of God as it is the Bible and I invite you to read it, to cross examine and to ask God if it is his word also or not. And if you pray sincerely for wisdom to know you will also know as I know and as you know the Bible is the word of God and not a fairly tale or a fable as many think of it. 

Hereafter is the Link so you can freely read it or request a hard copy from me is you so also desire in English or Spanish. I testify to you that your life will be enriched greatly for there is power from God in that book.  I also share my own testimony of the truth of these things in an additional like for you to know also why I share these things with you and the whole world today. Come and See:

The Book of Mormon



Published by
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

First English edition published in
Palmyra, New York, USA, in 1830

Venid y Ved

Tengamos un fortísimo consuelo, los que buscamos refugio para asirnos de la esperanza puesta delante de nosotros; la cual tenemos como segura y firme ancla del alma, y que penetra hasta dentro del velo; donde Jesús entró por nosotros como precursor, hecho sumo sacerdote para siempre según el orden de Melquisedec. HEBREOS 6:18-20

And with these words I give an end to this epistle or long letter which God almighty has inspired me to write for you and for those who may be mentally or physically handicapped or who may be running to and fro in confusion and in doubt, seeking a  safe channel and a sure anchor for their soul.  I have been commissioned to do these things and commanded by God to write.  I have it in writing for all who ask a testimony of it. I did not write it. But it is written not only by a modern but by an ancient prophet named Daniel in Daniel Chapter 12 of his book. Your knowledge and the knowledge of all those who associate with me and read these words has been increased today; and with these truths you can now shine brighter than ever. I am also here to stand against Satan and the ungodly, to fight your spiritual battles with the sword of God and to overcome. For so it is written:

In the last days, Michael will deliver Israel from their troubles—Daniel tells of the two resurrections—The wise will know the times and meanings of his visions.

And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

Daniel 12:1

But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

Daniel 12:4

Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.

Daniel 12:10

These things I say humbly, boldly and nobly and I do it as one having authority before God, Angels and These Witnesses, in the Sacred name of The LORD Jesus Christ, Awmen and amen, 

Affectionately and respectfully from a Servant in the hands of Christ,

Miguel Angel Tinoco Rod-Tree-Jesse

I will utterly consume all things from off the land, saith the Lord.

  ZION AND JERSUSALEM Thursday, 16 of January of the Year of Our LORD 2025 ט״ז בְּטֵבֵת תשפ״ה 16th of Tevet, 5785 https://www.hebc...